
By AussieinOz

Un jour à Annecy

This morning all signs of rain (apart from puddles and squishy mud) had disappeared and I set off soon after 8.30 toward Annecy. I missed turns, and decided not to take the motorway - all to the annoyance of the GPS in my hire car, which kept asking me to do u-turns. Finally it realised I wasn't going to, but it did insist on at least partial motorway driving. 

It was cloudy when I first arrived, but at least I could see the lake. The first (and only) time I visited Annecy before today the lake was swathed in fog, and the town moistened with drizzle. Many of the clouds disappeared today. Blue sky prevailed for much of the day, and the locals took to the lake and the parks as though spring had arrived. This chap (sorry about the thumbnail - I didn't mean to decapitate him) looked comfortable. Soon after, he sat up and rode his scooter into the distance. 

Another improvement over last time is that I no longer have to beg people to make tartiflette with ham/bacon/lardons (or whatever the meaty bits are). At least one place offers vegetarian tartiflette - I was in comfort food heaven. It not being summer meant that many ice cream stores were closed - but not all. The coffee ice cream was pure indulgence and pure delight. 

Truly a lovely day - and to make the end of it easy on myself after shooting some 250 photos and walking many more than 10,000 steps - I drove  home on the motorway. I hope my GPS is content. 

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