Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I went to an art museum to look at an exhibition. I went there with a friend of mine and we were really blown away by the paintings. If you stood and looked at them from afar they looked just like photos, but when you came closer you could see the paintbrushes. But they were amazing either way. I fell in love with several of them and if I'd hade the space and money to buy one, I would. My special fav is the middle one on the right with the bottom left as a strong contender... .
As we sat there, enjoying the mood in the room just us and one more in there, 4 men came in through the door and the atmosphere changed immediately. It was an odd group of men. Two of them didn't seem to belong to the other two and I thought I recognised one of the men... The other two was hanging back, not being so interested in the paintings as the other two. Then I got it! This was an artist that had gotten himself in to such deep trouble that he had to have a security people with him all the time. I'm not impressed with him at all...he's just Meh! But the security police guys...that's a whole other story. :)
So, to make a long story really short... This artist did a roundabout sculpture in the shape of a dog. The face of a dog was of a certain profet. This profet is, by his believers, not allowed on pictures...and that the sculpture was a dog was a double insult to his followers. So, this artist has received treats and attempts have been made on his life... I think his plans to just ruffle some feathers and make a name for himself backfired greatly.

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