
Apparently this is my 3000th Blip so how appropriate that today the Harden Hobblers, only formed in January through the excellent encouragement of Sue, should come together to run the Shamrock Shuffle in Bingley St Ives in celebration of their having completed the NHS 'Couch to 5k' programme and to raise money for our local hospice.

I only knew one of these women from our village two months ago, but they have all become friends as we meet three times a week to run.  Some of them had never run before; there are varied reasons for why they came together; many are busy women with families and jobs to juggle.  Barriers have been overcome, bad weather crushed and, most importantly, there is much FUN!

It might only have been 5k today but it was a gruelling course, uphill and  in mud for most of the way with high winds, driving snow, icy tracks as well as beautiful blue sky and sunshine.....and everyone finished!  We celebrated over pie and peas in the local pub, proudly wearing our Shamrock medals and Leprechaun hats!

In my blip we are showing off our new running vests!

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