It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

Big Fungi

Blimey, what a day..

2nd interview of the week and still 2 more to go. I started the week with 3 to attend, it's now become 4 as todays people want to see me again tomorrow. I think it's going to be London Buses :-)

Popped up the park to get some air and some shots as London didn't seem to have it's usual appeal this morning. The park was much better. The deer seem to have calmed down as the Rut is nearly over and also the sun had burnt through the low cloud. I set about capturing the last autumn colours just in case we get wind and the leaves all drop. I took a different route in the hope of seeing something different. Blow me if I nearly trod on these toadstools. The thing is they were the size of dinner plates! What a find. This is one of 2 lots I found I took some shots to have a bash at focus stacking too.

Then the phone went and I stood for 30mins chatting to an agent about a job in the middle of the park and it was time to get home..

The gym session was cancelled as Mr Geek Meek was late from work and I had unexpected interview prep to do. Boy I really need a run, maybe tomorrow.

Night all.

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