the colour green

By jukeys

marche du prado

Marius and I met up with Christelle this morning. She took us to the Marche du Prado (or Marche du Castellane). We went on the tram so I now know a new area of Marseille! It was great to explore the market and have a wander around.

We went to a veggie restaurant for lunch; Philippe joined us there. Marius fell asleep on Christelle’s knee. It was very sweet.

Once we were finished lunch, we put Marius in the buggy and he continued to sleep as we walked back into town.

I got home about 4pm - knackered after all the walking we’d done! I’m loving being in the city for a while!

Pierre got home from his training course around 5pm. He hadn’t done as well in the test as he would have liked :( Hopefully next week things will go better.

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