Crufts Toys

We trained today! For the first time since Crufts! And it felt great :-D

We needed a break after the very intense training prior to Crufts, so we took a week off, but went back to the training hall today and we were so ready for it. 

We met with Helle and her dogs and we had a super morning with some highly motivated dogs. 

I bought lots of training toys for the dogs at Crufts and Gollum even brought one home for his sister Ex-it, so this is Ex-it with her very colourful toy and Gollum with a more discreet black one. Ex-it's toy might look more exciting than Gollum's, but Gollum loves his. It is made of fur and there is nothing Gollum likes more than toys made of fur. He is very pleased with it. 

It weather has been amazing, so after our training, we walked around Helle's field a couple of time to let the dogs play and run.

And then we decided to take them for a proper walk - just because the weather was too nice to go inside again. 

Our dogs had a wonderful day and so did Helle and I.

I had the craziest urge for pancakes in the car driving home, so I made pancakes for late lunch/early tea, when I came home. Yummy.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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