Carse view

Gill drove up from Troon this morning and together we went to friend Fiona's for a Girls' Lunch, always an opportunity to adopt our 'grumpy old women' personas as we regard the sorry state of the government/council/country/world/television/youth of today, etc.

I had taken Minty with me and after lunch took him for a walk, which is when I bagged this blip of part of the Carse of Stirling near Fiona's.

While on the walk and off the lead Minty managed to find something foul-smelling to roll in, which he reckoned was more suited to his macho image than the fragrant talc that was lingering after his trip to the groomer yesterday.

Little b*****! I couldn't possibly take him back into Fiona's like that, so he had to spend the rest of the visit in my car and as soon as we got home it was straight into the bath and another shampoo. I'll be watching him like a hawk tomorrow!

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