No shouting with full mouths boys!

It has been a long tiring day. There was more snow overnight, and the icy wind was whipping in this morning amid snow showers. Mr C took the car down the hill to check it would be safe, then came back for the boys and me to go swimming. They are very confident and never want to get out of the pool, despite it not being very warm. Thomas swam underwater all the time, picking things up from the bottom of the pool. James swam with his fin. We were the only ones in the pool - not a surprise!

After lunch we did some drawing and cutting out, before we drove them home. Ella was at the Theatre for her dance show practice so #3 daughter brought Nathaniel round to play. We got the boys fish and chips from Pantrinis, as we like it best - the fish is cooked freshly and the batter is thin and crisp. The Blip is some nonsense going on between James on the left, and cousin Nathaniel, who is 9 months older than James.

The parents did not get back till 7 as their train was late, but they’d have a lovely relaxing time. Of course we are exhausted.

The Russian letters of invitation arrived on-line today but needless to say, we haven’t had time to deal with them. The many pages have to be completed tonight and then we can go back to Edinburgh tomorrow to get our fingerprints etc done - for the second time. and hopefully if all is in order we’ll get the passports back next week, with a few days to spare. I really hope there will be no more dramas. It’s almost enough to drive us to package tours.

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