The Watts cemetery in the snow.

To me a snowy weekend day means only one thing.....a mad dash round all the places I really need to photograph in the snow!
Top of my list is the Watts cemetery near Compton, one of my most favorite places, which I have photographed many times, but only once before in the snow, and that was just a slight dusting. 
Today it was very snowy, but also nearly spring, so the blossom (in my main blip) and the beautiful blue Scilia were also in flower adding to the amazing spectacle of it all. 
This main shot shows the mortuary chapel in the snow flanked by a pink blossom tree but I couldn't resist adding an extra of Robyn (who kindly drove there with me) beside the cloister, and some scillia flowers in the snow. 
I have also added a shot of the beautiful Wisborough green church in the snow, and the icicles hanging on bush beside the road next to a puddle, formed slowly as cars had been splashing through the puddle,
And then...the shutter broke on my camera :-(((

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