Five Bags!

I've spent the morning in Leeds re-setting my security at the Bank after receiving a scam on my laptop over the weekend.  Thankfully, we spotted it was a scam and did not ring the number it said we had to do to put things right (don't get me started on what I think of these people!) However, I tried to ring the Bank to check that nothing untoward had happened to our accounts and could not remember my 'special number' or how much I had taken out of the bank last week, being not really in the best of states to be interrogated.  All of that resulted in me being 'locked out' and having to go in to the bank today to sort it. 

Having had a lovely conversation with the customer service chap, during which I discovered I taught his cousin (!) I then ticked off my list of things to do:  display photos printed at Jessops; books purchased at Waterstones; Mark the Big Issue seller re-discovered on a different corner, well and in chatty mode; coffee pots recycled; Pete birthday present sorted: cuppa and brownie consumed in Cafe W and back home on the train.

When I arrived home, Joe the Chimney Sweep was in the middle of trying to retrieve his amazing twirly gadget thing which had got stuck horizontally in the chimney.  We are having a wood burning stove fitted and had to have the chimney swept beforehand.  We are peeved that the guys we paid to put a cowl on the chimney a couple of years back, to stop the jackdaws nesting on it, didn't apparently clear the chimney first!!  So today, Joe pulled out five bags full of nest over an hour!  Fortified by Tony's home made sausage rolls, Joe left belatedly to his next customer.

And to top off the day before I head out to Camera Club, an old schoolfriend, who I haven't seen since I was eighteen, rang out of the blue.  She had been reading a short story set in the seventies about two girls on the beach in their hot pants and was reminded of the week she spent with our family in a caravan at Primrose Valley!  She is now back living in Yorkshire after many years' working in London so we have arranged to meet at the end of next month!

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