Still a lot of snow on the canal, but what a lovely six mile walk I had this morning. The person who owns these horses let them out in the field and what a great time they had jumping and bucking. They were enjoying the sun. I had intended to go to the loch tonight for a sunset, but I have had such a busy day that I am just too tired.  Cleaned out the little pond of leaves but there was still a lot of ice on it, then I went to the care home for an hour and a half. I then went to Lidl as they had bark chips for sale and I bought four bags, so by the time I dragged them to the back of the house I was pretty tired, however I then cleaned out the hens as they have been on deep litter bark all winter, so they smell lovely now and they are enjoying it.
That was all very heavy work, so I am planning a long soak tonight and an early night.
Thank you all so much for all the lovely comments, stars and lots of hearts for my little robin yesterday.
My extra is the view from my kitchen window this morning.

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