Berghain 1
It was still freezing cold today. Lara and I went to the Flea Market just down the road from us. There was some interesting stuff, nothing worth buying though. This woman was haggling with a customer when she looked over at me just as I took a photo. It was on my phone, so I’m fairly certain she didn’t realise.
We then found a nice table at Books and Bagels and escaped the cold. We sat for a few hours, it was nice. I was drifting in and out of daydreams and writing down various photo ideas I’d had over the past few days
Just before we left I bough a book I’d been eyeing up for a few days. It was about fashion in Berlin, something I figured would help me in my fashion module.
Instead of going back to the flat we headed to Milch&Zucker where we sat for another few hours. I cracked on with my book and continued writing notes on it. Beside us was a guy with a blue hat on that I loved. After contemplating for a while, I finally plucked up the courage and asked to take his portrait. I got his email address so I could send him the photo once I got it developed.
Lara and I then headed back to the flat and bought some beers en route. We were both feeling like we needed a good few drinks. We had some beers in the flat and headed to Fitchers Vogel. We had a pint. Ruben and Tona joined us. We had another pint. They suggested we tried to get in to the notorious Berghain.
After discussing how we should approach the club, we decided to split into two groups of 2. Ruben and Lara, and Tona and I. Ruben and Lara walked up and were rejected straight away which caused me to laugh. Tona and I walked up. The bouncer glanced at us. ‘Nein’.
We went our separate ways. Lara and I got a takeaway on the way home. It was a good Sunday.
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