I am indulging but blipping Mr. Mute, yet again. I indulged sitting on my rock and photographing him, yet again. I indulged in some 'me time' after work. I had to collect my daughter to take her to buy canvases for a project...lots of canvases! "Do profs not realize how expensive they are?" I asked my daughter. "Oh, I am just too lazy to make my own." Hmmmm.... At least she is truthful? ; )
First day back at work was a little challenging at times but we got through it and are still smiling : ) I had printed off photos of all four students in my room and plastered one of the bulletin boards in the calm/chill room with them. It was sweet watching each of them check out photos of themselves in their own special way. The most humorous part of the day was when E decided that I should not wear my dress boots inside and tried taking them off!! He even started to 'fake me out' to try to get them off. Hilarious but thank goodness he finally relented and I wore my boots without any further issue!
That's all for me to bed early to read. I hope you have all had a great start to your week. Spring will soon be here!!!!!
D x
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