Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Hurry it up hoomin ....

We have to have the dog gate up as if the beasts are wet and muddy Mr W for some reason does not want them marauding upstairs .. I can’t imagine why ..

Winnie likes to wait impatiently doing a horrid sonar type squeak.

I went to Warwick today for my speed awareness course .. I didn’t get on the sodding course as unbeknown to me my lovely husband had removed my driving licence to use to sort out my new car and DID NOT PUT IT BACK . I was sent away by a man who was really rude . I told him he needed a nap. It transpires I shall see him again in two weeks ... he will remember me as I said a bit more than the nap comment ..
Anyway when I got home Mr W was in his golfing gear..... but unluckily for him I sent him upstairs to change and come on a dog walk .. that’ll teach him . Plus I made him do his grocery shopping .... (I do not do grocery shopping ) .

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