I hadn't planned on this blip today but whilst searching for a photo of Tessa to print out and whilst my head is full of memories I thought why not so I've just photographed the print.
This is Tessa my beloved companion of 15 years. Today would have been her 16th birthday which I believe is over 100 in doggie years. I took this photo last year so its probably the last one I took of her and is also one of my favourites. She and Sasha were quite close and would often snuggle up like this. Sadly I had to have her pts a few days after Christmas last year whilst I was at a family wedding. She is in my thoughts every single day and I miss her like mad.
She was never a typical Springer in that she wasn't bouncy or mad as Springers are which is why I got Bonnie as I thought she might liven Tessa up a bit. It did work to some extent and I had to accept that she was just a quiet Springer, she did have her moments though! I have lots and lots of haappy memories and photos of her which will stay with me forever. Better post this now before I change my mind.
My visitors have been to Gretna Green this morning to do the tourist stuff. One of the benefits of having visitors with a hire car of course is they can go off and do their own thing. I am dragging them into the Lakes this afternoon though, probably Loweswater or Crummock Water and then I think we're off out for dinner somewhere as its their last night with me.
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