Waiting Room 3, Clinic, Etten-Leur

Had my class this morning, and then dashed back home to drive hubby to his appointment with the psych.  Hubby feels a bit better every day, but still it just can't be rushed.  No problem, that's okay.  I'm also less tired.  This puzzle was in the waiting room for anyone to do.

MOOC-wise, finished the Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture course yesterday, and began Intercultural Contact.  The University of Leeds courses in this area only take two weeks but are very interesting as well as quite intense.  Happy to say I scored 100% with the last one and hope to duplicate that score with this one.  Have put Agile & Design on hold.  If I finish this by tomorrow, I should be able to complete Agile by the weekend.  After that I'll have done ALL work-related courses by Sunday evening ... and have more free time for the hobbies by next week.

As for hubby, it looks like he'll have to be driven for a while, but perhaps starting Monday I can be present for longer periods at work.

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