
By Mouldy

Emergency Blip

In two ways: firstly, I suddenly realised that, on this typically manic Wednesday, I hadn't taken a photo at all.
Secondly, the charity that my daughter got her Romanian dog from has been alerted in the last few days to an awful situation where a woman, meaning well, has brought 135 dogs into her own property, without the means to care for them properly, and so an emergency appeal has gone out. The dogs are living in filth, undernourished, some are blind or have eye infections, all have mange, a few are disabled. Luckily, none have distemper.
The woman is willing to hand over the care, but there is an awful lot to accomplish. Luckily the response has been overwhelming, and local vets have offered free spaying and neutering. An anonymous donor sent a tonne of food.
There's an aid delivery hoi g out in a few weeks, so the appeal has gone out for things that can be used as bowls, for bedding, materials to make pens, etc.

I've started looking for stuff... first efforts are piled on the hall floor!

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