Today I celebrate three years as a blipper. I'm still on the journey of recording my life one day at a time. I can't imagine being without this daily activity. I started so I had a hobby when I finished working and it has fulfilled that purpose. I looked back through my journal today and was most surprised by my writing. Learning to see with the camera in hand has been easier for me than learning to write about what I saw. Overall it is the connection to people that keeps me here. Your daily routines, urban or country, reaction to illness, world events, deaths, births and the changing seasons. You are mostly optimistic about the worlds you inhabit and that keeps me feeling good about the crazy process of life.
I found this quote on the interweb:
To me photography is an art of observation.
It's about finding something interesting, an ordinary place . . .
I've found it has little to do with the things you see and
everything to do with the way you see them.
Elliot Erwitt.
My image is my last bottle of Gin for this summer. Yesterday was the autumnal equinox and our days will start to shorten and cool. I will drink wine for a while and then move onto Brandy my winter drink of choice. There are small limes and lemons on my trees which will grow on ready for next summer.
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