Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

A nerdy blip

I try not to blip too many clocks for fear I will be accused of nerdiness! This one warrants inclusion, however, for the quality of the workmanship. The dial (viewed LARGE) shows a prestigious maker and the recipient of this wedding gift in 1907 was obviously a member of the Royal Lancers' regiment. The movement is of very high quality indicated not least by the fusee conical gear and chain drive. This chain is similar to a bicycle chain in construction so the individual links are tiny. These chains in 18th and 19th century watches might be eight times smaller than this one and children were used to assemble them as it is said only young eyes were capable of doing the job.

I expect I could count on one hand the number of people capable of making such a chain today. We are all aware of the huge advances in technology but we sometimes forget all the craft skills that have been lost.

The clock itself is a magnificent piece of silverware, surmounted, surprise, surprise, by a horse.

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