Soil and Sky

An early start to the day mean we were in Cheltenham before 9am looking at cars!  In fact, we had the opportunity for an extended test drive for the whole morning.  We took the opportunity of a trip down the motorway to Bristol and then a wander back up the ordinary roads to Cheltenham.  We had a lovely little outing in the vehicle and stopped in a lay-by to get this blip as I was fascinated by the colour of the soil - so different to what we have locally.  Looked much more stony too.  I liked the contrasting colours of sky and soil as well as the textures.

SHH amazed me.  He decided he was going to have one of the cars!  It normally takes a long time to decide to buy a particular car.  He admitted that he had expected not to like it, but was pleasantly surprised by its performance and liked it very much...  Pick me up off the floor!  Call me negative if you like.  We should get it next week so you will have to wait until then to find out what it is!  I was allowed to pick the colour....

We have been to camera club tonight where there was a showing of the digital entries for Midphot.  Some beautiful shots.  I reckon my elephants were better though!

I had a lovely surprise this afternoon when there was a parcel in the post for me.  It was a book of poetry linked with liturgy - an old hardback publication from a canon (Church kind!) who had been at my presentation last Saturday on the church's approach to those living with dementia in Birmingham.  He was very complimentary in what he wrote inside the book and on a card and I was very touched.  Sometimes, a bit of praise goes a long way.

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