Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Tired Girl!

We are all ready for half term in our family. This is Carys snuggling with Daddy post Ballet. William was already in bed. He has had his normal manic Thursday, did really well at swimming, face in the water and using his arms much, much better. On to Music train where they sang Happy Birthday to him and he got to blow out three candles, happy boy and then ballet.

One more day, one more spelling test, but we already have the 20 spellings for half term and oh yes the little matter of parents evening in about 50mins...

Back from Parent's Evening with a lovely glow. Carys is lovely, she is such a good role model and works really hard because she wants to do well. Her numeracy has come on well and she just needs a little more confidence with her imaginative writing. Basically part of the problem is she is too busy trying to perfect her handwriting to actually get much down on paper. We and her teacher have strategies to improve this and I have been given the list of Year 2 words for her to start to learn. Proud parent glow in our house tonight.

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