On the tilt

An up and down day! The courier with my passport made the delivery, the tiler arrived early 7.20 am and got finished by 5.00 pm with his usual grand results! The second courier didn't find us and had tried to deliver to a gated property on the lane with a completely different name clearly displayed on it and taken it back to the depot without trying further to locate me! my day at home on that score wasted!
So after contacting the company and convincing them he was not at the right place and restating contact and direction details, I was strapped for time to shop and get to camera club! It was the judging of the night photography comp which I had not entered. Snatched the above on the way to the meeting, having trouble with the alignment of the church tower, crane and buildings on the street ! get one straight and the others are a drift!  Sorry its a back blip again.   

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