Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Walking the Dog

In work early to get on with sorting my database issues and got to a point where I'm ready to apply the corrections by late afternoon. So, I managed to get out a little early and thought I'd call in at Coombe Abbey to get some shots of the avenues of trees. Even though the light was poor I thought I'd get some good images from under the canopy.

When I got there at ten to five I found the gates to the car-park already locked! Instead I stopped briefly at Brinklow about a mile away. Had to wait several minutes for an endless group of cars to come the other way down a single track lane, after which the light had deteriorated markedly. So, today's blip, like last nights, is somewhat poorer than I'd expect to produce.

The upside is that tomorrow is the last day before a week off!. Can't wait.....

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