The Return of Lawrence

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I heard his distinctive coughing like calls at the end of the drive & watched him jump on the wall & strut his stuff, then he saw me & tried unsuccessfully to hide. But I said hello, no need to be alarmed, this is a camera, not a gun, you're perfectly safe here. Whether this *is* Lawrence the pheasant from last Winter, I'm not sure, but he's a proper mature male specimen, so it's perfectly possible. I hear pheasant shooting a lot around here. Barbaric, vile sport. Cowards the lot of them. Most pheasants can hardly run let alone fly, so it's like shooting chickens. Bred for the gun. How sad!

And my dearest, sweetest robin:

Larry serene

So dull dull dull dullsville. Meant to be picking up tomorrow. Although now dark the wind has got up & it was drizzling earlier. I so need the sun. Forgotten what it's like! xxx

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