First of all, happy birthday to my sister. She is almost exactly 11 months older than me, so for the past month and a few days, we have been the same "age". For some reason, it has always been a source of fondness between us, as we are 'almost twins' forever.
Secondly, you blippers who have come to know me and my ways, know that I tend to fixate on getting particular photos or birds. Last year it was the Great Blue Heron who avoided me like the plague (finally got him, fishing nonetheless). This year it has been a pair of Red-Tailed Hawks that have a territory close to my school. I have been going out of my way, to drive down the stretch of road and have seen them in very picturesque poses, but either did not have my camera on the right setting, camera was in the back seat, or the traffic was too heavy to safely pull over. One morning, I actually had three opportunities and each one was foiled.
Anyway, after work, I took that road to go to my favourite spot to photograph wildlife and I spotted this beauty across the road so I quickly pulled over and very slowly backed up. What was remarkable about this shot was being able to get a clear shot of him through the heavy, bumper to bumper traffic! Photos can be deceiving.... What was even more incredible was that further up the road, I passed by his mate, sitting on a fence post on my side of the road! I should have pulled over but thought for sure I would have startled her.
Third tidbit....I have been chatting with a man who is a photographer and has been a recent fixture where I go. He has been trying to photograph the same hawks this winter so I was happy to show him my shots that I just had taken. He told me that he believes he discovered where they are nesting, so I will be checking out the location this weekend. While we were talking, another hawk flew overhead!! What are the chances?
Now I am off to bed and so happy that it is the weekend. This week has been rather chaotic. Short staffed, everyone ill (staff and students) so no one feeling 100%, and another change in schedule. I am fine but with changes always comes stress for everyone regardless.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend and are feeling spring in the air :))
D x
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