And Then it Rained....

A day of great contrasts. 
We found out that we could see big T as THC has a facebook page and they put a movie up most days. She didn’t look like she was missing us….
The Boss staggered 20,000 steps around the bays and hid from the rain in the Mt Victoria Tunnel (You can walk thru it).

We went out for Pizza 4 T and got the two extras. The first was on one of our fav Cafes and the second was at the bar with the Pizza place. Note Tipping is not standard in NZ but many folk can’t be bothered with lose change these days. The Boss gave all his to the guide dog folk outside the supermarket yesterday.  N.Z’s smallest coin is 10 Cents and you don’t see many of them and sales tax is included in the price unlike the US where the price is never the price and you end up with bundles of loose change that we give away.


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