As Promised...

By aspromised

Happy Birthday A!

Happy birthday A!

We popped round to see the birthday boy for tea and bubbly! I decided to bake a carrot cake for the birthday boy until I realised it would take 1:20 mins in the oven... (After finishing Uni at 6, going shopping, then walking home there was not much time for faff) so I decided to make carrot cupcakes instead! (only 20 mins) Feeling a bit adventurous, I added orange popping candy to add to the carroty effect, however I didn't realise it was magic colour changing! At the time this picture was taken, they were only just turning a green colour.... When I arrived at the house they were mostly blue! Needless to say they were still eaten :) and it was great to see everyone! (even a couple of lovely ladies on Skype!)

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