From the Neck to the Knees

I have a guest photographer today. It was...(wait for it...wait for it)...(drum roll). It was...LISA! I handed her my camera, and told her to snap away. We had pelicans, snowy egrets, giant egrets, and even a momma blue heron (with a baby)...WAY up in a pine tree.

Her best model was this snowy egret. He/she posed on top of a sign for minutes and minutes.

We were enjoying watching the blue heron mother in the nest (and getting ready to leave), when a fishing boat came in, and the captain left his bait bucket exposed.

The birds went nuts. Both mom and dad heron left their 2 baby herons in the nest, and stormed the boat. By then, I had the camera back, and I was hitting the clicker...hard and fast.

See some more of Lisa's egret and the birdie bait bandits on my Flickr page.

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