
Great clouds this morning.A sunny start but still feeling cold, or maybe it’s just me. Could really do with some warmth coming through now, maybe April will be warmer as the forecast is for more cold next week.
Had a redpoll in the garden today, just a quick visit so hope it will be back.Also saw a very nice Roe Buck , very handsome, the sun had set so the lighting was poor so only managed a blurry shot.
For Earth Hour I sat in the garden. Wrapped up well and looked at the stars and was surprised how much light the moon was giving so I did not need my torch.Back inside when I got too cold and read a book about otters by torchlight.
Hopefully the Brownies have taken part too, we suggested 6.30-7.30pm as 8.30-9.30pm is too late for the little ones and me ;)

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