Gitama's World

By Gitama

An Epic Sunday Sky

We had a little visit with Ma and Pa today before we hit the shops to stock the boy up with new slippers and a cozy new dressing gown....for the winter months that we were told is going to be cold. He makes off like a bandit that boy usually ends up with Jaiya and I carrying bags full of stuff for him whilst we get our mandatory 3 pack of knickers each from KMart.

I was so exhausted (we all were) by the time we finished that instead of heading to the coast we limped home in the afternoon light. As we got closer to the mountains the skies were gorgeous...with rumble bumble clouds...the sun shining though creating crepuscular rays...I got the girl to stop the car and felt happy to have my camera with me.

Thank you for all the wonderful comments hearts and stars on my 2000th blip really are a lovely lot. I haven’t had time to really go through and give it all my undivided attention yet...I am waiting for a quieter time...tomorrow I am hoping.

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