Never Eat Shredded Wheat

So pleased this is still the gold standard for teaching navigation.

Usually my Duke of Edinburgh work is Golds and usually assessment or hill supervision. Sadly at the moment that's not.possible, so when my friend Ben asked if I'd like to do some initial training for Bronze groups I thought "why not".
The Adventure Element have a great ethos and Ben never fails to make me laugh. The fact it was just up the road in Penrith was a plus.

I don't know what I expected, but the children of Queen Elizabeth Grammar School are exceptionally lovely. I can't remember working with such a fun bunch, laughter and enthusiasm were the order of the day.
I ran the tent and navigation workshops, the kids aced both. At year 10 there's still a real noticeable difference in the maturity, approach and application of the boys and the girls. Hopefully the boys will have the sense to follow the girls...

We were done by 14.30, theoretically a very easy gig, but 5 hours on my feet was a bit of a wake up call for just where the ankle is at. But laughter is the best medicine.

A glorious start to the weekend in Cumbria, forgotten just how much hard work gardening is!

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