Palm ......
...... Sunday.
We had a wonderful service and very poignant sermon on St. Mark's gospel delivered superbly . The only thing was for some reason I was in a very restricted position , this is very unusual , it didn't make me feel too happy. Still worse things happen!
"A" and I took a short trip out where I managed a short stroll with the aid of walking poles.
Sitting in the car having a cuppa the pigeons got jealous so gave us not one gift but 3 ( or more) as soon as we cleaned the windscreen and roof/ doors/ wing mirrors there was yet another load.( some say this is " lucky" I won't tell you what we thought!!!)
Now we are watching the recorded F1 , not so interesting when you've already heard the results tho'.
It has kept dry but cloudy not as we were promised. Hope they're wrong about next weeks weather? Please no more snow!
Enjoy the evening folks.
Grateful .... for walking poles!
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