On The Dock of the Bay

My Dear Princess Normal and Dear Fellows,

Today was my favourite of the weekend. Seeing people and getting drunk and rushing around are pleasures in themselves but I'm more of a meanderer. 

Today we took it slow. We were late to rise and then met J-Bar for lunch at a place right on Pilot Bay. "It's a deep-fried sort of place," we were told.

I do not have a problem with that.

So we had a lovely afternoon with Er Indoors's mum. My favourite story of hers was how her dad had refused to wear drainpipe trousers in the 1950's because, "He said he could feel his farts going up his trousers and coming out of his collar".

We sat and ate and looked out of the window and watched the teenage kids doing divebombs into the water. Er Indoors took loads of pictures for marketing purposes.

"I can email doctors and say look this could be your family," she explained.

"That's right. Those could be your children shrieking ow that f***ing hurt in public" I responded. (The teens had not been backward in expressing themselves).

I sound disapproving. You know I am not.

In the evening we went to Feefs's. The Big Nipper actually wanted to talk to me about work! Yes! Someone was actually INTERESTED in what I do for a living!

Hang on for a moment, I need to sit down. I feel quite giddy.

But it was a good chat. He explained what he wanted and I offered what I think was good advice. Of course, this is how family rifts start, so it had better have been.

In return we got to have a lovely evening with them, and Tiggydog sat all over me on the couch (see extra). Plus The Nipper loved his new Star Wars stuff I bought him and we had a good play with it. 

Parties are all very well and good, but I much prefer just hanging out with nice people. And pets. Also, we were very well fed. These things are important.


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