Fun With French Clocks, Round Two
A couple of years ago, this beautiful French clock was the subject du jour for my journal entry. Today we moved it from the dining room of our Connecticut house to the foyer of our Boston apartment, where it certainly looks like it's right at home.
The toll on both of our blood pressures was probably quite high getting it to its new location, though. The thing weighs a ton (well, about 30 pounds anyway), and it is quite a production hanging it in such a way that it doesn't come crashing off the wall. A series of jumbo-sized bolts and things called "driller toggles" were screwed into the wall (with some muffled swearing and heavy sighs heard emanating from the resident handyman), and then lots of fiddling and tweaking to make sure the clock was plumb and level. All very nerve-wracking! It looks lovely in its new home -- which is just as well as we both agree we're never moving it again!
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