Life with Alice

By elirin

Waffle Day

I’ve been waiting and waiting, and today it was finally Waffle Day! It’s always on March 25. Possibly because the Swedish name for Waffle Day is Våffeldagen which sounds like Vårfrudagen, the day of Our Lady. Or maybe the angel Gabriel had something to do with it? Did he bring waffles maybe?

As you can see, mum was persuaded to ignore the stupid diet and Make Us Delicious Waffles! Thank you to my Blip friends who helped me make this happen! We had strawberry jam and cream with them and ate them on the balcony and they were awesome!

We also went on an outing in the car with Grandma and Grandpa. There was still lots of snow in the countryside, and the lakes along the way were mostly covered in ice. We even saw people on the ice ice skating. Not many signs of spring out there....

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