the colour green

By jukeys


It snowed this morning in Marseille!!!! Marius and I had planned to go to Ludiqland, a big soft play place. I’d looked up how to get there via the Marseille public transport website and it was going to involve two tram journeys and a bus. I was ready for the challenge :) Then the snow started to fall! In the middle of us getting ready, Pierre’s auntie Patricia had called me to ask if Marius and I wanted to come for lunch. As we’d seen the snow starting to fall, I decided to ditch the soft play plan, and go to Patricia’s :)

We went to a wee neighbourhood cafe for a coffee (see extra pic). It’s vintage, full of stuff, and very cool. Marius fell asleep on the way home and woke up far too late for us to make it to lunch at Patricia’s. We went for gouter instead.

Mamie is staying with Patricia at the minute so it was lovely to see her.

Pierre picked us up and when we got home we worked! Pierre is doing his course for the three weeks that we’re here in Marseille. Tomorrow he has a test that counts i.e. if he doesn’t do well, he could be thrown out of the course! We revised very hard!! Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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