I've started my hipster garden project to our back patio (which is more like a storage space in open air. That's also where we dry our clothes.

We found 2 pallets that we transformed to plant selves. I'll paint the pallets white and add some solar lamps and decorations. And wait for the plants to grow of course.

Our other neighbor across put up a visual barrier around their patio. They used this green plastic "rug" around their "cage". It looks ugly. So I've been wondering how to cover that for us. Today I found a way to place thin pot next to the cage and I attached it with barbwire to the cage so it won't fall. Tomorrow I need to buy these similar pots 5 more, so I have the whole cage somewhat covered. Naturally we can see through the cacti, but it's better than nothing. And I only wanna use cacti and succulent plants as they survive here the best. Even if you don't water them for a month or two during the summer.

After I finish the back patio I can start to plan the front yard bit more. Actually I already have some plans, but we need to visit Elche to buy some nice looking plant support to add to our fences and wall next to the street. I want some visual barrier on that side too. I wanna build vertical garden on the front yard too. Even with cacti the garden can look very green and it will be easy to maintain.

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