Now we have everything

By Gembop

Lazy blip after a long day

Today was another one of those days where I did a lot but captured none of it in pixels!

Rob had a terrible sleep last night waking me at 2:30am with awful Darth Vader style wheezing and coughing. His asthma had made its 4-time-annual appearance and he'd left his inhaler back in London. Luckily my poor sister was up as my nephew was ill so we were able to drive over there and borrow his. I still find it crazy how a little puff of smoke (and chemicals) can immediately open up his airways and allow him to breathe properly again. I hope our poor baby doesn't inherit asthma!

After that Robin crashed and slept in so Mum, Dad and I went shopping. My sister had some lovely baskets that I wanted to get for our living room to store baby bits, but of course they were sold out. All the Christmas tat was in there already though, reminding me that this year I want to make a wreath.

When we got back, it was time to pack up everything, including a big bag of newborn clothes of Ollie's (most not worn as he was a 10lb'er!) that Laura gave us, and head to Warwickshire.

After far too much 'fun' trying to follow the directions provided by the iPhone's new map app and taking a few wrong turns we finally arrived at the Fleur de Lis in Henley-in-Arden. We met up with Rob's mum, stepdad, nan, sister, brother-in-law and nephew for a lovely belated birthday dinner for his mum. They gave me my iPad back- hurrah! And his mum has leant me the new Phillipa Gregory that I'll save for when I'm on Mat leave.

Dinner was a lovely 'Heidi' pie with sweet potato, goats cheese and spinach along with chunky chips and veg followed by banoffee pie :)

We left around 6 and after being stuck in traffic for what felt like an age got home at around 8:30pm. Absolutely shattered as always.

Today's blip is a funny owl from the Pj's I immediately threw on!

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