Schloss Schwetzingen, Germany

At 08.00, hubby's bridge partner picked him up for a day-long tournament.  Before they left, hubby had a sudden attack and rushed to the toilet to throw up his breakfast.  After more than a week of nothing, suddenly this.  I think the bacteria are trying to fight back.  They didn't win, though.  Hubby cleaned his mouth then put his coat back on and resolutely decided he was going to enjoy his day.  I hung around at home for an hour and a half, did the dishes, did some gaming, cleared some stuff away, and then off I went.

The last time I was in Germany for a day trip was in 2004, when I drove to Heidelberg for a rendezvous with a former classmate.  I still know it took me 5 hours to get there.  What I completely forgot was why it took me 5 hours -- Germany is SO large and exits are organized and clear but so far from each other.  Before you know it, another 100 kilometers are behind you and you are an hour further.  Because I decided to wait to see if hubby would go home right away, I didn't leave till 10.00.  Following the instructions of the route planner, I headed for the border, but took the road to Maastricht instead, which meant a costly detour, time-wise.  Never mind, lesson learned for next time.  I eventually hit the A61, and what a highway of discovery it is!  Simply by driving on it, I will be in the direct route to Frankfurt, Bonn, Ingelheim, Koblenz, Mainz, and so many more, including Heidelberg.  Where I went to, though, is a little village close to Heidelberg and just after Ludwigshaven -- Schwetzingen.

Sunny day!  Took shots of the city centre, then entered the palace grounds.  It turned out that the interior wasn't accessible, which is why the entrance was a mere 4 euros.  Wandered in the enormous garden and really took my time.  I wasn't about to repay 5 driving hours with only a half-hour walk, right?  It was impressive enough even with the trees still bare.  The temperature was just right.  At the end of the walk, had dessert and tea, and then headed to the gate as it was closing time.  I then walked some more around the centre itself, it was so small.

Parking was cheap and I was able to hit the highway again close to 18.00.  Close to Ludwigshaven, took a wrong turn but realized my error right away and turned around.  Found the right road and then the access to the A61 again.  After that, it was straight driving, except for a short detour to fill up the tank.  The road back to The Netherlands was smooth and easy to follow, and I recognized all of the signs I had passed earlier in the day -- so many towns and villages to visit in the near future!  This time, took the right access road to Venlo instead of heading to Maastricht.  I wanted to get to Venlo by about 22.30, and I made it.  From Venlo to Breda, it was a mere 120 km. and I was home by 23.20.

Hubby had forgotten his key and had already walked thrice around the block before I finally showed up.  He had been fine the rest of the day, thank goodness!  As for me, ... Auf wiederzehen!

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