Where's my peanut?
Mr. Red-Bellied was quite happy to see a few tasty peanuts come his way. I was very patient and had to 'lose' quite a few to the Blue Jay gang who were doing their best to distract me and then swoop in for the nut! I finally realized that if I stood close enough to the nut, the Blue Jays became chickens...but if I stood very, very still, the woodpecker would eventually come down. By May, he will be super friendly again and I will need a 50 mm lens to get him in focus. But for now....
In extra is a special pose for giving him his 5th beloved peanut ;)
Good for a chuckle was the photographer, dressed in full camouflage, with a camouflaged, super big lens, who came down the path and asked if I was seeing anything interesting. I told him that I was waiting for the Red-Bellied to come down (did not say for the 5th time!) and his response? "You are standing far too close, he won't come down as long as you are there." He then went to stand a ways off and started to fool around with adjusting his settings. In the meantime....hello handsome. Thank you for coming down and posing for me : ) I got the shot in extras, told him to have a good evening, and walked away.
One more day and off for four.....looking forward to getting together with some friends : )
Hope you are all well and enjoying Spring-like weather!
D x
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