A Time of Change

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was an incredibly frustrating day for me.  Yes, I got my laptop back and yes, it is working very well, BUT...the Word program they installed is nowhere near like the one I had and after 2 hours of trying to do the same thing I have been doing for nearly four years, edit and print my daily journal pages, I gave up.  Maybe  it is time for a change.

The wonderful fellow Blipper, DDW, told me about the on-line book making site she uses, Mixbook, and I tried it.  It is very easy and I've laid out most of the missing pages.  Still, I do miss having the design freedom I had in Word.  Maybe I will eventually figure it out but for now this new way is certainly a lot easier.

In the meantime, I will continue to seek out beautiful images, like this shop window near me with an array of shining hand blown glass balls gleaming in the sun light.  I made the photo with the little Coolpix and it came out okay I thought.  Certainly not like my Nikon D90 but it will do.  More changes but isn't that what life is all about?

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