
Imagine my surprise when I glanced out of the kitchen window this morning to find that Son1's car had been washed! It's been brown for so long it was something of a shock to find it had returned to its original white again. Not to be outdone (or rather, not to be the member of the family with the dirty car), I headed over to the hand car wash in Haslemere and had a mini valet. They do a great job there and really quick too, and there's even a waiting area with comfy chairs to sit on. My car is now even shinier than Son1's, despite a drive to Winchester and back afterwards, and the interior is so clean that I'm going to introduce a 'car shoes' policy for all passengers (as well as the driver).

In other, equally exciting, news I have acquired a new monitor stand and  22-inch screen which I have successfully connected to my laptop.  My work station is now much more ergonomic which should stand me in good stead for the coming months of thesis writing and beyond.

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