Don't fall in!!!!

 Our sleepy puppy from yesterday was full of bounce this morning and ready for her breakfast.
B was left in charge as I headed off to London to meet up with a friend who I haven't seen for over 5 years. The last time was in 2012 in Beijing.  Blip is a gem for recording daily events.
For the previous 7 years we were half of specialist team of nurses and physio’s who ran a workshop at the ICS international Conference in different cities of the world. We travelled to conference together and always had a few days to explore before going home. We were self funding so determined to see more than just the inside of a Conference Centre and hotel!! This was my last workshop before retiring.
We had lunch today in the Cork & Bottle. I would never have found the place tucked away near Leicester Square, but T knows her way around.
It was our lucky day when T’s name was pulled out of the drum and we got front row seats for £20 to see The Book of Mormon!!! The blip shows how close we were to the orchestra. An interesting show……to say the least!!!!
A wander up to Oxford Street to get some variegated cotton for my quilting from one of my favourite stores.
A win win day with lot of catching up :0)
B and Amber were at Newark Station to take me home and tell me all about their activities. Amber’s bandage had grown (in extras) and by the time she settled for the night she had it off. A new bandage for the night, but I don’t expect it to last!!!

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