It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

You know it's winter when... leave the pharmacy with a plastic carrier bag full of prescription medicines!! Oh yes, you can keep your Greenwich Mean Time this is MMT (McCann Medicine Time).

Managed to get a day of work done before whizzing the babbas to the doctor. Neither of them seems able to shift their cold and now poorly boy has conjunctivitis and babba girl has an inflamed throat!

Babba has not enjoyed the 2 lots of antibiotics she's had already this month and this new one has been received with as much disgust as the others... I am wearing at least 1 and a 1/2 ml of the 5 I tried to give her. Poorly boy, the seasoned professional, took all his without complaint. I even managed the eye drops on my own.

Last but not least, no1 son got star of the week in his class this week. Hmmm... It's amazing the changes that can be effected when teachers tell the parents what the child is like in school and what their concerns are. No1 son has not been difficult or badly behaved but the teacher only said for the first time last week that he takes a long time to get started when set a task. We had a chat with him about it, gently hinted that he should try to start his work straight away and hey presto! A head teacher's award and star of the week within a week... Well done again big guy!!!

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