Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Ahhhhh half term... Bliss

Lie in with some hairy friends...
There is a smutty joke in there somewhere I am sure ...
Great start to half term.. I finished one book and began another,then I went to meet Jacqui and Monty dog had a rather bracing walk .. Collected Lucy from Jessica's and came home to make not one but two Christmas cakes ... Sadly one is slightly less than the other owing to the fact that ... Well .. sigh Mr W and I had a rather large taste tester ;) so now I shall have to make another two .. It can't be just one .. So we shall have three cakes at Christmas ... They serve 20 .. yeahhhhhh right
Off to see Skyfall tomorrow .. Not as in the story of Chicken licken and bits of the sky falling in,no the new Bond film !!

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