
By MrsFred

Licks and kisses....

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.

Bern Williams.

And that's very true today, its been a very longggg week, and was ended with a favourite colleague handing his notice in today :( He's a lovely lad who made us all laugh and would do anything for you, but he's off to better things and I don't blame him....shan't say anything more about the "awesome" morale in our little workplace at the moment......

Anyway after a quick stop at home to collect the little man for a shopping trip (much needed clothes and less needed Halloween costume), ANOTHER trip to Tesco' third home was home to a quickly thrown together curry and finally, my favourite, into the PJ's!! Yay my weekend starts!!!

What was amusing was Mr F and I settled down to our tea after feeding the troops, they all filtered off out doing their own thing....and then the 4 furry babies promptly took over where the kids had been, which nearly always leaves poor Mr F sat on the floor!! But who can resist this face ??? Yes Diva girl, I WILL have a kiss!!

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