Time with Friends

The weather today was abysmal which was a real shame as our friends N, C and their daughter H were in Norfolk for a week’s holiday.  They came around to see us early afternoon and we had hoped to go for a leisurely walk together before our afternoon tea, but sadly the rain was just too much.
So, we all had a chat and a catch up, watching the rain through the conservatory windows and then headed off to the Blakeney Hotel.   There we enjoyed a delicious tea of finger sandwiches, fresh scones with cream and jam and a tempting selection of cakes which we lingered over for two hours looking out over the Blakeney Marshes and lots more happy chat.  We hadn’t met H before so it was lovely to chat and get to know her a little.

The extra is the harbour just after the rain finally stopped at about 5pm.
A fab afternoon.

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