Hollibobs day 1

Hampton court gardens

Lee and I talked about going on an adventure last night - this was the choice.

We arrived first in the car park - took less time to arrive than planned.
We competed the maze - found the secret passage and walked behind the waterfall which was great fun.

We found the swings and zip wire, we ate our picnic, did the free craft sessions and just had fun, even if I did leave my boots at home along with my coat!

Popped to the garden centre on the way home. Pepperoni was there again - Munchie loved holding him again. Daddy and I carried wom around as he was fast asleep

Dropped by at auntie Katie’s for cake and deliver the presents the Easter bunny had Mia delivered!

Home for quick tea of easy cheesy pasta
Late baths
Late bed

Big adventure tomrorow!

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