Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Night Shift

When I was in Croy the other week, waiting for the train into Glasgow, I saw something intriguing advertised on a billboard at the station. An interactive outdoor theatre event called "Shift" at Sunmerlee Museum in Coatbridge. It sounded curious and so Neil and I bought tickets for it this evening, thinking that at least it would make us get out and do something on this Good Friday holiday. We made a bit of a day of it, coming over at lunchtime and going for a walk with Sonny at Palacerigg Country Park where Neil had helped to make some wooden buildings almost twenty years ago for a Millenium project (they were still there and still being used), then visiting Summerlee museum before taking Sonny for another walk at Drumpellier Country Park prior to this event starting at 8pm.

Once here, we had to clock in for our "Shift" and we were actually last in the queue, and late for "work". "Just like in real life" I quipped. The event began and it was very good. Packed full of different things - acting, singing, dancing, film footage. The interactive stuff included joining in with dancing though. "This is getting close to role play" whispered Neil. Which made me laugh for he knows I hate role play and I was glad that we were standing at the back and away from the reach of some of the cast who were twirling audience members around. It went on for about an hour and fifteen minutes I think but when it was over, poor Neil admitted that he was freezing cold. I had wondered if he was as I had seen him fidgeting about earlier and looking a bit miserable. I hadn't felt the cold at all, which is most unlike me so I was grateful for whatever had kept me cosy through the performance (perhaps a bit of wiggling around to keep my back from getting too sore with all the standing, or perhaps possible onset of menopause which seems to be a bit of a running joke this week after me not being able to sleep one night because I was too hot!).

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