A minor miracle

Apparently, my parishioners have been asking for a new parish directory for over 5 years. I came on board almost 3 years ago, and soon realised that the directory was an 'issue'. This is our 3rd attempt to get it off the ground; data has been deleted, superseded and re-submitted, three different database programs were used, some were too clever for us, and to the disappointment of my IT guru, I eventually used MS Excel .

I rashly promised to deliver the directory on Easter day, giving myself heaps of extra work at an already busy time.
Thanks to the stapling efforts of Miss C, we have them ready with, oh, hours to spare!

My extra is the Cross ready to be decorated with flowers. Chains in a box around the cross base were used to make it stand, and we kept some on display. "The chains of death are broken by the cross".

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